Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Truths That Will Change How You Perceive Introverts - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Truths That Will Change How You Perceive Introverts - Introvert Whisperer 5 Truths That Will Change How You Perceive Introverts Introverts are difficult people to understand. As an introvert, I don’t talk much. Most of the time, you will find me spending time alone, doing my things, or just idling around thinking about my future. I will wake up in the morning, take my online course, go to work, go home in the evening, and continue living life. I will rarely visit friends. Nevertheless, just like other introverts out there, I have genuine interactions with people I interact with, but I really don’t care about small talk! Thanks to our ‘mysterious nature people have thousands of myths, misinformation, and misconceptions about us. Even this post might not provide justice to all introverts throughout the world; it will give some truths that might change the way you think about us: Truth 1:   Introverts don’t hate people Sometimes, you will find a quiet, peaceful, and ‘less-talk’ kind of individual and think that he/she doesn’t love spending time with people. However, if you understand us and how we were born, you will be able to respect our time alone. When you finally interact with use, you will notice that we have one of the most loving personalities in the world. Truth 2: Not all introverts seem like introverts Yes, we dont have white and black spots that make us distinctive. Although there are those who you will tell are introverts from the first impression, not all of us are easily noticeable. This means that not every lone ranger is an introvert. Some extroverts choose to ‘act like introverts to avoid people! Truth 3: We love being alone, but we aren’t lonely! We love our alone time, and this is why you find most of us sitting alone thinking about our lives. But this doesn’t mean that we are lonely. We are surrounded by beautiful noise and chatter, but we honestly love staying with our thoughts. We feel scattered, sometimes, but this doesn’t mean that we don’t love going to parties and hanging out with our confidants. It is just that our internal lives are a critical element in us! Truth 4: Not every introvert is silent Most of the time, introverts are loners. They dont interact much. But what most people dont know is that sometimes, they can become big chatterboxes. But we need first to develop a solid foundation of trust before we can spit our words. We want to ensure that everything we say doesnt go down the drain. We take relationships we build with others seriously, and this is the main reason why we have few, but genuine friends. Truth 5: Introverts need attention Some people believe that since introverts love keeping things to themselves, they hate attention. This is far from the truth. We are not invisible! We want people who are close to us to notice our presence. Well, we don’t crave much for attention, but we need it after all. Truth 6: Introverts aren’t boring! Finally, we are always pegged for sleeping early and not going out on Fridays. This is because we love our sleep! But we arent boring. Dont judge us before you interact with us. You might be surprised to find that introverts are the most exciting individuals around. Have you changed what you believe about introverts after reading this post? Well, it’s up to you. But introvert is not a dirty word. We are not curmudgeons that hate others. We are just individuals with a different personality! Author’s Bio

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